The ethics of the NHI implementation (Medical law)

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Learning objectives:

  • To understand the ethical framework for the proposed National Health Insurance which aims to address structural imbalances in the South African health system
  • To evaluate the impact of this system on the ethical responsibility of the clinician caring for the individual patient
  • To focus on the 4 pillars of the clinician’s ethical responsibility (beneficence, non-maleficence autonomy and justice) in this changing health system.
ATTENTIONKindly note that if you attended the live webinar, you have already received 1 CPD point and will not be permitted to receive additional points for the report. Should this occur, the HPCSA will only record 1 CPD point from the live webinar, invalidating any additional CPD points from the report. Please note deNovo Medica ensures uploading of your CPD points to the HPCSA: please don't upload these yourself.

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