The Atrial Fibrillation (AF) avalanche

The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) predicts in its 2024 guidance that an AF Avalanche of increased cases will occur across the world as communities age.
Learning objectives
You will learn:
- An awareness of the benefits of involving both primary care practitioners and specialists in the care of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF)
- An understanding of the process of cardiac assessment and arrhythmia evaluation in patients post-stroke in whom Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is suspected as a cause
- Insights into the current management approach to the prevention of stroke in patients with AF, based on the 2024 ESC guidelines released in August 2024.
- Familiarity with the efficacy and safety of different oral anticoagulant drugs, and the population subgroups for which each agent is best suited
ATTENTIONKindly note that if you attended the live webinar, you have already received 1 CPD point and will not be permitted to receive additional points for the report. Should this occur, the HPCSA will only record 1 CPD point from the live webinar, invalidating any additional CPD points from the report. Please note deNovo Medica ensures uploading of your CPD points to the HPCSA: please don't upload these yourself.
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